Digital Marketing Agency Thailand
Deckchair Asia Work 
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We are an expert digital marketing agency based in Thailand and have offices in Bangkok and Samui. We are a very personalized team and can offer you the correct solution for your business requirements. We aim for a bespoke approach with even our packages tending towards the tailor-made. We aim for your success by producing positive and measurable results when you work with us. Rather than offering any one-size-fits-all solutions, we actively listen to what you require and work out your path forward. No two companies are alike and neither are the solutions that we offer them. 

We can help you both acquire and keep customers. Perhaps you are unsure how to go about this and have made plenty of attempts without solid success. That’s where we come in. 

We can help you in a variety of ways. 

First off, you will certainly need a website. One that’s attractive to look at, as well as being super-efficient and where every page acts to attract business. You may need to have a new one or tweak an existing one. We can do either. Whatever, your website should be easy for you to run, maintain and upgrade. We set it up so that you can add to it easily – we don’t believe in static pages which cannot be changed. We believe you should be able to simply type in a new text, add a photograph, etc. We also offer efficient and speedy customer support should you have a problem. 

Your website should be suitable for your brand; we find the best format and designs and prepare everything for you, right down to the font and the palette of colors that are to be used. This is the very opposite approach to choosing a template and customizing it a little. We aim for you to be unique, to stand out and thereby to attract more traffic.

At Deckchair Asia, we go the extra mile on your behalf, rather than presenting you with a website that is simply ‘fine for the purposes’. Naturally, we also incorporate SEO practices that work. This means basically that when your potential customers are searching for something, it’s your name that pops up first, rather than your competitors’. Once this is done, you will experience an increase in sales, with both new and already existing customers buying from you.

Similarly, we can help you operate an email marketing list, sending out your news to those who have signed up for it, now that they have heard of you. 

If you are offering a shopping cart, we can dovetail this with your website and make it a cinch for your clients to become purchasers. We iron out difficulties that can hamper shopping cart success and make everything practical, speedy and highly convenient. 

When it comes to social media, a lot of firms like to post with regularity – and so they should – but the results tend to be chaotic, with all kinds of photos and texts that tend to mix the lines between the personal and the corporate. And those who avoid this trap, often fall into another one: the posts are all a little samey, barely memorable and cause little more than glazed eyes on the part of potential clients. 

As a digital marketing agency Thailand, we offer a professional approach. We discuss with you where you want to be with your social media and then look at the platforms that would be best for you and how to maximize your potential there. 

We find that out and get your potential clients’ attention. All of them will be looking at social media. Where do they congregate? We position you right there.

We offer to run your social media for you. This means that every month we send you a schedule to check through, and if it meets your approval, we place posts at intervals that we have both decided on, during the month to come. We can provide artwork, texts and use best posting practices. We tie everything in with links to your business. It’s all about reaching the right customers and telling them that you have the solution that they have been looking for. 

When it comes to advertising, we will work out the best strategies for you. You know already that your clients are looking for exactly the kind of products and services that you wish to sell. By sagely advertising in exactly the right place, they will hear about you. Whether advertising via paid search ads in Google, or using Instagram and Facebook ads, we will ensure that you have constant exposure. As a digital marketing agency Thailand, we can set up a campaign for you and ensure that your message is seen by those who will most benefit from it. We will keep you newsworthy, ensuring that what’s happening in your company reaches the outside world. 

Websites and social media no longer need to seem like a labyrinth once you have the right digital marketing agency to guide you. If you are interested, we invite you to have a chat with us at Deckchair Asia; we will together explore the best way forward for you in digital marketing. We will keep to your budget and bring you results that will put you ahead of your competition.